Stephanie, a mother of four children, followed a psychologist’s advice to prevent her son from head-banging. Each time you observe the baby banging their head, distract them by calling them or saying them something funny. Many babies often stop the head-banging behavior when distracted.
Chances are, the baby is likely to stop head banging and fall asleep if the problem is addressed. Check if the head banging is because the baby is unable to sleep due to some reason, such as an uncomfortable crib or warm ambient temperature. If head banging is not due to an underlying problem and is a normal behavior, you could consider the following ways to respond to it. How To Respond To A Baby Banging Their Head? The treatment will depend on the reason behind head banging. The doctor would perform a physical exam, check the baby’s medical history, and conduct tests to determine any underlying cause for head banging in the baby.